Created By : Mr Rajanikanth Poshala
Campaign Goal ₹ 25,000
Raised Funds ₹950.00
Raised funds can feed 1 children/year
Start Date:Dec 20, 2016
End Date: Dec 20, 2016
Time limit for the campaign has passed.
Note: Rs. 1500 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Dear All,
Akshaya Patra foundation is a non profit organization and through the partnership with the Government of India and various State Governments, as well as philanthropic donors; the organisation runs the world’s largest mid-day meal programme.
Akshaya Patra program vision is “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.”
For feeding a child it takes Rs.950 for a year. Every donation of Rs. 500 or above to Akshaya Patra is eligible for 100% tax exemption under section 35 AC or 50% tax exemption under Section 80 G of the Indian Income Tax.
So friends, please think about this program and contribute at your best.
Support my campaign to support akshaya patra providing hunger free education to school children.
Campaign Donors
- Mr. Rajanikanth Poshala
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