Created By : Mr Bharathkumar M
Campaign Goal ₹ 30,000
Raised Funds ₹1,450.00
Raised funds can feed 1 children/year
Start Date:Dec 07, 2016
End Date: Mar 07, 2017
Time limit for the campaign has passed.
Note: Rs. 1500 can feed a child for a year
Campaign Overview
Dear All,
An example makes each day rejuvenate and recharge, an example makes a better way of understanding , an example gives inspiration to many others, an example makes you to see the dreams and achieve it, and finally akshaya patara is an example working for a better society, come and join with us for creating better examples for our better society.let us donate for a friendly cause.
Support my campaign to support akshaya patra providing hunger free education to school children.
Campaign Donors
- Mr. K Subrahmanya Sreeram
- Mr. Bharathkumar M
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